Pre-purchase examination

The veterinarian's role is to provide information to the purchaser on the health status of the horse and to help to make a well-informed decision to buy a horse based on the uncovered information. A pre-purchase evaluation is not a warranty of future soundness and the conclusive decision on the purchase of the horse resides with the buyer. A pre-purchase examination can only give information about the horse`s health and condition on the day of the examination.

It is common to find some problems in the athletic horse. The next step is to find out the possibility how much will this clinical finding impair athletic performance.


Part of a pre-purchase examination Includes a general examination as well as a musculoskeletal evaluation. Additional test can be performed upon request of the client.


General examination

•             Identification

•             History of the horse (Seller`s information)

•             Complete clinical examination

•             General ophthalmological examination

•             Laboratory analysis: Complete blood count, biochemistry profile


Dynamic examination

•             Short neurological examination

•             During walking and trotting in a straight line and on the lunge

•             Flexion tests

•             The horse under saddle if possible


If the horse demonstrates any significant abnormality or lameness during examination, the buyer and seller will be communicated. At this point there is the possibility to discontinue the examination if decided so.



There is complete set of images we recommend for pre-purchase examinations. The set of images can always be expanded as needed.


Dental evaluation

We also check the horse's mouth and dentition, if arranged in advance.


Interpretation of radiographic findings and written report are included in pre-purchase examination.