General orthopedics


Wounds of different location, origin and severity are common part of horse clinic´s working day. Horses can get wounds being in paddock, during competitions or even just standing in the box.

More serious wounds need to be stitched under general anesthesia, easier ones get managed on standing horse. Horses needing aftercare can be left in hospital for as long as needed.


Wounds of different location, origin and severity are common part of horse clinic´s working day. Horses can get wounds being in paddock, during competitions or even just standing in the box.

More serious wounds need to be stitched under general anesthesia, easier ones get managed on standing horse. Horses needing aftercare can be left in hospital for as long as needed.


Bone fractures

Bone fractures must be taken into consideration whenever lameness examination is performed. Broken bone in horse does not always mean non-weightbearing limb. It can be expressed as mild lameness and might be hard to find even on the radiographs.


Fine fissures of bone can cause intermittent lameness. The horse can be lameness-free one day and, if exercised, non-weightbearing the next. After some days of rest, lameness can improve again until the fissure becomes a fracture and lameness will be permanent.

Depending in case, the purpose of horse and the plans of horse owner, fractures can be treated by rest, special shoeing, casting or osteosynthesis.

In severe cases unfortunately, euthanasia is the only option.