Pet blood donation

Small Animal clinic of Estonian University of Life Sciences regularly receives patients who need blood transfusion. In our clinic, both cats and dogs receive blood transfusion.

What patient needs blood transfusion?

There are different situations where an animal may need blood transfusion. Animals suffering from anaemia are most frequent recipients of donor blood. Anaemia may be caused by blood loss (as a result of a trauma or surgery), chronic diseases (kidney, liver, or bone marrow diseases), or haemolysis (blood cells decomposition in the organism).

In some rarer cases, animals with low platelet (thrombocytopenia) or protein (hyperproteinaemia) concentration in the blood may also need blood transfusion.

The necessity of blood transfusion is evaluated based on haematology and clinical examination of the patient.


Who is a suitable blood donor?

A cat may be a donor if it:

  • Is 1–8 years of age;
  • Weighs at least 4 kg;
  • Has not received blood transfusion before;
  • Is clinically healthy and does not receive any treatment;
  • Has been regularly vaccinated;
  • Is not pregnant;
  • Has not donated blood during the last 2–3 months.

A dog may be a donor if it:

  • Is 2–8 years of age;
  • Weighs at least 21 kg;
  • Has not received blood transfusion before;
  • Is clinically healthy and does not receive any treatment;
  • Has been regularly vaccinated;
  • Is not pregnant;
  • Has not donated blood during the last 1–2 months.

Pet blood donors could also be friendly and cooperative, although this is not a prerequisite.

All blood donors undergo careful clinical examination. Preliminary blood tests as well as express tests for contagious infections are performed. Additionally, the veterinarian usually talks to the owner to gather more information about the animal condition and living environment. All these procedures are free of charge for the donor. Based on the gather information and blood test results, the veterinarian will decide whether the animal is suitable to be a donor.

How is blood donation performed?

First, blood types of both the donor and the recipient are determined. If blood types are compatible, additional diagnostic procedures are performed to avoid possible complications related to blood transfusion. If donor blood suitability is laboratory confirmed, we start collecting it from the donor.

Therefore, an intravenous cannula is placed enabling to administer if necessary sedative medication and fluid therapy. A special blood pressure monitoring cuff is attached to the paw.  In animals, blood is collected from jugular vein. An area on the neck is clipped, washed, and disinfected according to aseptic rules. Only disposable sterile needles, gloves and blood bags are used for blood donation. The amount of collected blood in dogs is 20 ml/ kg and in cats – 10 ml/ kg. Only the necessary amount of blood is collected from the donor.

During the entire blood donation procedure, the animal blood pressure, heart and respiration rates are carefully monitored.

How is blood transfusion performed?

An additional intravenous cannula is placed on the recipient, through which the whole blood is transfused.  Special infusion systems with filters are used for blood transfusion to avoid the development of blood clots and prevent them from getting into either recipient’ or donor’s blood circulation.

Donor blood is administered via venous cannula and the patient is monitored during the entire procedure. Its respiration and heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature are regularly measured and the condition is carefully monitored to avoid the emergence of adverse effects (nettle rash, itching, acute allergic reaction). If any of the adverse effects develops, the procedure is interrupted and blood transfusion protocol is revised.  

Having received blood transfusion, the patient remains in intensive care unit for monitoring. Regular blood tests are performed and treatment plan is adjusted accordingly. The animal may need several blood transfusions depending on the cause and severity of disease.

What does the donor get for donation?

The owner of the recipient normally covers the expenses of the blood tests and diagnostic procedures for the donor. Thus, blood donation is free of charge for the donor even if its blood is incompatible with the recipient’s one. During blood donation, the owner of the donor receives information about the health condition of their pet. After the procedure, the donor is fed and if possible gets certain presents. Moreover, the owner of the donor will experience good feeling of helping the one in need. This feeling is invaluable and its importance cannot be measured using money.

If you want your pet to become a donor, contact our clinic:

Phone: +3727313224


Come and save someone’s pet’s life!